
Why Snapchat?

Snapchat is a social media app that allows users to send short, temporary photos, videos and chats that disappear after a short amount of time – typically mere seconds. These photos and videos are easily edited into highly entertaining content, which can bring attention to your brand.

Snapchat allows businesses to appeal to a younger audience, leading to a more precise form of advertising and marketing. Here are some ways Snapchat can help your business:

  • Escalate your Social Media presence and increase brand awareness
  • Make announcements and promote exclusive content
  • Promote new products
  • Communicate with your audience
  • Drive traffic to your website
  • Generate sales

Who Uses Snapchat?

As of April 2022, 53 percent of Snapchat users were female, and 46 percent of users were male. There are 332 million people who use Snapchat every day.

The graph below shows that the majority of Snapchat users are 15-25 years old.

Snapchat Users by Age Group in 2020

Statistics provided by Statista

What Type of Business Should Use Snapchat?

Snapchat can be used effectively by any business that can appeal to a younger demographic. Sports, videogames, music, and fashion are a few industries that can excel on Snapchat. It can also be used by businesses that wants to increase brand awareness to capture a younger demographic before another brand does.

Snapchat Developement

Webcrafter provides development services for Snapchat. We will make your Snapchat Business Account reflect your business’s branding, which will also match the branding on your website. Here are some of the other things we will do for your Snapchat Business Account:

  • Set up Snap Maps (business location and contact information)
  • Create and edit logo for profile
  • Create and edit engaging cover photo
  • Correctly adjust Snapchat settings for business
  • Add products or services with descriptions, prices, and variations
  • Set up Snap Codes to sell products with a QR code 

Once your Snapchat Business Account is complete, we will give you advice on how to use it for the best results. If you end up with any questions, just give us a call!

Snapchat Advertising

People need to know that your business exists, that’s why it’s so important to advertise it! There are two main types of advertising that you can do on Snapchat:

  1. Advanced Create lets you build multiple ad sets with advanced targeting and bidding capabilities.
  2. Instant Create lets you build a single ad. This type of ad is better for driving traffic to your website or to promote your business to a localized area.

If you’re going to spend money on ads, you’ll want them to look as good as possible. Webcrafter LLC uses powerful Adobe programs to create and edit images for Snapchat ads, increasing the chance your ad will not only be seen, but interacted with as well! We can also help design your ads as well as set up targeted ad campaigns for you.

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